Commit d84c010a by 刘卓鑫

修复线上bug 优化广告展示

parent 2ceb1e20
......@@ -7,64 +7,80 @@
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
uuid = "36CFEDDB-7E88-440D-B5F6-D0CB311424F4"
uuid = "B7FD2D27-E0AA-44DB-B7D3-DDA090EDA1DF"
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
filePath = "ColorfulSchool/Classes/Task(&#x4efb;&#x52a1;)/ZXTaskViewController.m"
filePath = "ColorfulSchool/Classes/Tool(&#x5de5;&#x5177;)/ZXTool.m"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "127"
endingLineNumber = "127"
landmarkName = "+showCustomMsg:"
landmarkType = "7">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
uuid = "4FA80077-F8DB-4F6C-BFF3-A517F50085C1"
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
filePath = "ColorfulSchool/Classes/Tool(&#x5de5;&#x5177;)/ZXTool.m"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "897"
endingLineNumber = "897"
landmarkName = "-nativeExpressBannerAdView:didLoadFailWithError:"
startingLineNumber = "848"
endingLineNumber = "848"
landmarkName = "+requestDataWithType:url:para:completed:"
landmarkType = "7">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
uuid = "048BB16C-6B00-4742-9AE4-F9E893AD5D72"
uuid = "17CFB6A3-490C-4973-8493-478F4858F05B"
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
filePath = "ColorfulSchool/Classes/Task(&#x4efb;&#x52a1;)/ZXTaskViewController.m"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "915"
endingLineNumber = "915"
landmarkName = "-nativeExpressBannerAdViewRenderFail:error:"
startingLineNumber = "1231"
endingLineNumber = "1231"
landmarkName = "-unifiedInterstitialAdViewDidDismissVideoVC:"
landmarkType = "7">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
uuid = "B7FD2D27-E0AA-44DB-B7D3-DDA090EDA1DF"
uuid = "00B8826C-F8BE-4788-99E0-056327F80256"
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
filePath = "ColorfulSchool/Classes/Tool(&#x5de5;&#x5177;)/ZXTool.m"
filePath = "ColorfulSchool/Classes/Task(&#x4efb;&#x52a1;)/ZXTaskViewController.m"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "127"
endingLineNumber = "127"
landmarkName = "+showCustomMsg:"
startingLineNumber = "687"
endingLineNumber = "687"
landmarkName = "-nativeExpresInterstitialAd:didFailWithError:"
landmarkType = "7">
BreakpointExtensionID = "Xcode.Breakpoint.FileBreakpoint">
uuid = "4FA80077-F8DB-4F6C-BFF3-A517F50085C1"
uuid = "79B52365-518B-4FC9-BCB7-64D2BCD2A0C7"
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
filePath = "ColorfulSchool/Classes/Tool(&#x5de5;&#x5177;)/ZXTool.m"
filePath = "ColorfulSchool/Classes/Task(&#x4efb;&#x52a1;)/ZXTaskViewController.m"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "848"
endingLineNumber = "848"
landmarkName = "+requestDataWithType:url:para:completed:"
startingLineNumber = "616"
endingLineNumber = "616"
landmarkName = "-nativeExpressRewardedVideoAd:didFailWithError:"
landmarkType = "7">
......@@ -97,9 +97,16 @@
field.placeholder = @"请输入设备地址搜索";
__weak typeof(field) weakField = field;
[field.rac_textSignal subscribeNext:^(NSString *x){
if (x.length > 30) {
enlargeClickRegionBtn *searchBtn = [[enlargeClickRegionBtn alloc] init];
[holderView addSubview:searchBtn];
[searchBtn setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"btn_Select-search"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[searchBtn mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
make.right.equalTo(holderView.mas_right).offset(-5 * k6Scale);
[[searchBtn rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
if (weakField.text.length > 30) {
[ZXTool showText:@"输入地址长度不能超过30!"];
weakField.text = [x substringToIndex:30];
return ;
......@@ -111,21 +118,13 @@
return ;
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"fd_location LIKE[cd] '*%@*'", x]];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"name LIKE[cd] '*%@*'", weakField.text]];
NSArray *results = [self.washService.allMerthinList filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
[self.dataArray removeAllObjects];
[self.dataArray addObjectsFromArray:results];
[self.myTableview reloadData];
enlargeClickRegionBtn *searchBtn = [[enlargeClickRegionBtn alloc] init];
[holderView addSubview:searchBtn];
[searchBtn setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"btn_Select-search"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[searchBtn mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
make.right.equalTo(holderView.mas_right).offset(-5 * k6Scale);
UIView *line = [UIView new];
[contentView addSubview:line];
[line mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
......@@ -212,9 +212,8 @@
vc.scanResult = ^(NSString *result) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self jumpWashWithMerthinCode:[ZXTool dencode:result]];
[self jumpWashWithMerthinCode:result];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:NO];
......@@ -327,7 +326,7 @@
make.height.mas_equalTo(25 * k6Scale);
field.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing;
field.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad;
field.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeURL;
UIImage *i = [UIImage imageNamed:@"btn_search"];
UIButton *searchBtn = [[UIButton alloc] init];
......@@ -350,20 +349,15 @@
__weak typeof(field) weakField = field;
[field.rac_textSignal subscribeNext:^(NSString *x){
if (x.length > 6) {
[ZXTool showText:@"输入设备编码长度不能超过6!"];
weakField.text = [x substringToIndex:6];
return ;
__weak typeof(field) weakField = field;
[[searchBtn rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown] subscribeNext:^(NSString *x) {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow endEditing:YES];
if ([weakField.text isEqualToString:@""] || weakField.text.length != 6) {
if ([weakField.text isEqualToString:@""]) {
ShowMsgView *show = [[ShowMsgView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds msg:@"请输入正确的设备编码"];
[show show];
} else {
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
return ;
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"fd_location LIKE[cd] '*%@*'", x]];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"name LIKE[cd] '*%@*'", x]];
NSArray *results = [self.washService.allMerthinList filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
[self.dataArray removeAllObjects];
[self.dataArray addObjectsFromArray:results];
......@@ -96,7 +96,10 @@
[self addBannerAd];//添加广告
[self preloadCSJRewardAd];
[self preloadFullScreenVideo];
[ZXTool showLoadingAnimation];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(3 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[ZXTool hideLoadingAnimation];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(keyboardWillHide:) name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification object:nil];
......@@ -312,7 +315,7 @@
[ZXTaskManager sharedZXTaskManager].taskCode = arr[2];
[ZXTaskManager sharedZXTaskManager].isTaskCompleted = (taskType == 3);
switch (taskType) {
case 1: {//激励视频
case 1: {//
NSInteger adType = [arr[5] integerValue]; //3插屏广告 4 全屏视频广告 5激励视频
[self taskAdWithAdvertType:adType];
......@@ -588,7 +591,6 @@
[self.rewardedAd loadAdData];
#pragma mark - ===================显示穿山甲激励视频==================
......@@ -596,22 +598,26 @@
if (self.rewardedAd.isAdValid) {
[self.rewardedAd showAdFromRootViewController:self.navigationController];
} else {
[self.rewardedAd loadAdData];
[ZXTool showText:@"激励视频广告加载失败,请切换网络环境或请稍后再试"];
#pragma mark - BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDelegate
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidLoad:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd {
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAd:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error {
[self.rewardedAd loadAdData];
//[ZXTool showText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"material or template plugin load fail %@", error.description]];
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidDownLoadVideo:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd {
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdViewRenderSuccess:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd {
......@@ -619,8 +625,7 @@
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdViewRenderFail:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd error:(NSError *_Nullable)error {
[self.rewardedAd loadAdData];
//[ZXTool showText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"material RenderFail %@", error.description]];
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdWillVisible:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd {
......@@ -638,7 +643,8 @@
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidClose:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd {
[self.rewardedAd loadAdData];
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidClick:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd {
......@@ -673,23 +679,23 @@
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdDidLoad:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd {
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAd:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
[ZXTool showText:error.description];
// [ZXTool showText:@"插屏广告加载失败,请切换网络环境或请稍后再试"];
// [self.interstitialAd loadAdData];
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdRenderSuccess:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd {
if (self.interstitialAd.isAdValid) {
[self.interstitialAd showAdFromRootViewController:self];
[self.interstitialAd showAdFromRootViewController:self];
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdRenderFail:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd error:(NSError *)error {
// [ZXTool showText:error.description];
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdWillVisible:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd {
......@@ -716,9 +722,13 @@
[self.fullscreenAd loadAdData];
- (void) showFullScreenVideo {
if (self.fullscreenAd.isAdValid) {
[self.fullscreenAd showAdFromRootViewController:self.navigationController];
} else {
[self.fullscreenAd loadAdData];
[ZXTool showText:@"全屏视频广告加载失败,请切换网络环境或稍后再试"];
#pragma mark - BUFullscreenVideoAdDelegate
......@@ -729,22 +739,23 @@
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error {
[self.fullscreenAd loadAdData];
//[ZXTool showText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"BUFullscreen load failure %@", error.description]];
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdViewRenderSuccess:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd {
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdViewRenderFail:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd error:(NSError *_Nullable)error {
//[ZXTool showText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"BUFullscreen RenderFail %@", error.description]];
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidDownLoadVideo:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd {
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdWillVisible:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd {
......@@ -770,8 +781,8 @@
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidClose:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd {
[self.fullscreenAd loadAdData];
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidPlayFinish:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error {
......@@ -1054,19 +1065,15 @@
#pragma mark - ===================腾讯插屏广告===========================
- (void) createTxInterstitialAd {
self.tx_interstitialAd = [[GDTUnifiedInterstitialAd alloc] initWithAppId:kTXAdAPPID placementId:@"7070290218848229"];
self.tx_interstitialAd.delegate = self;
// self.tx_interstitialAd.videoMuted = YES;
// self.tx_interstitialAd.detailPageVideoMuted = YES;
// self.tx_interstitialAd.videoAutoPlayOnWWAN = YES;
// self.tx_interstitialAd.minVideoDuration = 1;
// self.tx_interstitialAd.maxVideoDuration = 30; // 如果需要设置视频最大时长,可以通过这个参数来进行设置
[self.tx_interstitialAd loadAd];
- (GDTUnifiedInterstitialAd *)tx_interstitialAd {
if (!_tx_interstitialAd) {
_tx_interstitialAd = [[GDTUnifiedInterstitialAd alloc] initWithAppId:kTXAdAPPID placementId:@"7070290218848229"];
_tx_interstitialAd.delegate = self;
return _tx_interstitialAd;
#pragma mark - GDTUnifiedInterstitialAdDelegate
......@@ -1076,7 +1083,7 @@
- (void)unifiedInterstitialSuccessToLoadAd:(GDTUnifiedInterstitialAd *)unifiedInterstitial
[self.tx_interstitialAd presentAdFromRootViewController:self];
[self.tx_interstitialAd presentAdFromRootViewController:self.tabBarController];
......@@ -1122,7 +1129,7 @@
- (void)unifiedInterstitialDidDismissScreen:(GDTUnifiedInterstitialAd *)unifiedInterstitial
[self taskCompleted];
......@@ -1180,7 +1187,7 @@
- (void)unifiedInterstitialAdDidDismissFullScreenModal:(GDTUnifiedInterstitialAd *)unifiedInterstitial
[self taskCompleted];
Created by 李盛 on 2019/1/7.
Copyright © 2019 bytedance. All rights reserved.
// String
"Click" = "Click";
"AD" = "AD";
"PlayConsumed" = "%.2fMB traffic will be consumed if you play it";
"Evaluation" = "Evaluation";
"Score" = "%@ score";
"Select" = "Select";
"Back" = "Back";
"Replay" = "Click to replay";
"Continue" = "Continue to play";
"Skip" = "Skip";
"ViewNow" = "View now";
"Download" = "Download";
"LoadFailure" = "Failed to load, and click to try again";
"GetRewardAfterWatching" = "Get reward after watching the full video";
"GiveUpReward" = "Give up reward";
"ContinueWatching" = "Continue watching";
"CanbeTurnedOffAfter" = "can be turned off after %ds";
"Get" = "Get";
"View" = "View";
// Icon
Created by 李盛 on 2019/1/7.
Copyright © 2019 bytedance. All rights reserved.
// String
"Click" = "クリック";
"AD" = "広告";
"PlayConsumed" = "再生すると%.2fMBの通信量が消費されます";
"Evaluation" = "評価";
"Score" = "評価数:%@";
"Select" = "選択";
"Back" = "戻る";
"Replay" = "リプレイ";
"Continue" = "再生し続ける";
"Skip" = "skip";
"ViewNow" = "詳細を見る";
"Download" = "download";
"LoadFailure" = "ロードに失敗しました。クリックして再度お試しください";
"GetRewardAfterWatching" = "動画を最後まで視聴いただけるとリワードを付与されます";
"GiveUpReward" = "リワード不要";
"ContinueWatching" = "視聴し続ける";
"CanbeTurnedOffAfter" = "%ds後に閉じられます";
"Get" = "Get";
"View" = "View";
// Icon
Created by 李盛 on 2019/1/7.
Copyright © 2019 bytedance. All rights reserved.
// String
"Click" = "点击";
"AD" = "广告";
"PlayConsumed" = "播放将消耗%.2fMB流量";
"Evaluation" = "评价";
"Score" = "%@个评分";
"Select" = "选择";
"Back" = "返回";
"Replay" = "点击重播";
"Continue" = "继续播放";
"Skip" = "跳过";
"ViewNow" = "立即查看";
"Download" = "立即下载";
"LoadFailure" = "加载失败,点击重试";
"GetRewardAfterWatching" = "观看完整视频才能获得奖励";
"GiveUpReward" = "放弃奖励";
"ContinueWatching" = "继续观看";
"CanbeTurnedOffAfter" = "%ds后可关闭";
"Get" = "下载";
"View" = "查看";
// Icon
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
framework module BUAdSDK {
framework module BUAdSDK {
umbrella header "BUAdSDK.h"
export *
module * { export * }
\ No newline at end of file
// BUAdSDK.h
// Copyright © 2017年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <BUAdSDK/PublicHeader.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUAdSDKDefines.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUAdSDKManager.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUAdSDKError.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUAdSlot.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUImage.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUSize.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUMaterialMeta.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUPlayerPublicDefine.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUVideoAdView.h>
///customize dislike style
#import <BUAdSDK/BUDislike.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUDislikeWords.h>
/// native ads
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeAd.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeAdRelatedView.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeAdsManager.h>
/// native express ads
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeExpressAdManager.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeExpressAdView.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeExpressBannerView.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd.h>
/// banner ads
#import <BUAdSDK/BUBannerAdView.h>
/// splash ads
#import <BUAdSDK/BUSplashAdView.h>
/// interstitial ads
#import <BUAdSDK/BUInterstitialAd.h>
/// rewarded video ads
#import <BUAdSDK/BURewardedVideoModel.h>
#import <BUAdSDK/BURewardedVideoAd.h>
/// full-screen video ads
#import <BUAdSDK/BUFullscreenVideoAd.h>
/// playable tool
#import <BUAdSDK/BUAdSDKPlayableToolManager.h>
// BUAdSDKDefines.h
// Copyright © 2017年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BUUserGender) {
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BUAdSDKLogLevel) {
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BURitSceneType) {
BURitSceneType_custom = 0,//custom
BURitSceneType_home_open_bonus = 1,//Login/open rewards (login, sign-in, offline rewards doubling, etc.)
BURitSceneType_home_svip_bonus = 2,//Special privileges (VIP privileges, daily rewards, etc.)
BURitSceneType_home_get_props = 3,//Watch rewarded video ad to gain skin, props, levels, skills, etc
BURitSceneType_home_try_props = 4,//Watch rewarded video ad to try out skins, props, levels, skills, etc
BURitSceneType_home_get_bonus = 5,//Watch rewarded video ad to get gold COINS, diamonds, etc
BURitSceneType_home_gift_bonus = 6,//Sweepstakes, turntables, gift boxes, etc
BURitSceneType_game_start_bonus = 7,//Before the opening to obtain physical strength, opening to strengthen, opening buff, task props
BURitSceneType_game_reduce_waiting = 8,//Reduce wait and cooldown on skill CD, building CD, quest CD, etc
BURitSceneType_game_more_opportunities = 9,//More chances (resurrect death, extra game time, decrypt tips, etc.)
BURitSceneType_game_finish_rewards = 10,//Settlement multiple times/extra bonus (completion of chapter, victory over boss, first place, etc.)
BURitSceneType_game_gift_bonus = 11//The game dropped treasure box, treasures and so on
@protocol BUToDictionary <NSObject>
- (NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue;
// BUAdSDKError.h
// Copyright © 2017年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
extern NSErrorDomain BUErrorDomain ;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BUErrorCode) {
BUErrorCodeTempError = -6, // native template is invalid
BUErrorCodeTempAddationError= -5, // native template addation is invalid
BUErrorCodeOpenAPPStoreFail = -4, // failed to open appstore
BUErrorCodeNOAdError = -3, // parsed data has no ads
BUErrorCodeNetError = -2, // network request failed
BUErrorCodeParseError = -1, // parsing failed
BUErrorCodePlayableError_ERR_HAS_CACHE = -702, // has cache
BUErrorCodePlayableError_ERR_UNZIP = -704, // unzip error
BUErrorCodeNERenderResultError= 101, // native Express ad, render result parse fail
BUErrorCodeNETempError = 102, // native Express ad, template is invalid
BUErrorCodeNETempPluginError = 103, // native Express ad, template plugin is invalid
BUErrorCodeNEDataError = 104, // native Express ad, data is invalid
BUErrorCodeNEParseError = 105, // native Express ad, parse fail
BUErrorCodeNERenderError = 106, // native Express ad, render fail
BUErrorCodeNERenderTimoutError= 107, // native Express ad, render timeout
BUErrorCodeSDKStop = 1000, // SDK stop forcely
BUErrorCodeParamError = 10001, // parameter error
BUErrorCodeTimeout = 10002,
BUErrorCodeSuccess = 20000,
BUErrorCodeNOAD = 20001, // no ads
BUErrorCodeContentType = 40000, // http conent_type error
BUErrorCodeRequestPBError = 40001, // http request pb error
BUErrorCodeAppEmpty = 40002, // request app can't be empty
BUErrorCodeWapEMpty = 40003, // request wap can't be empty
BUErrorCodeAdSlotEmpty = 40004, // missing ad slot description
BUErrorCodeAdSlotSizeEmpty = 40005, // the ad slot size is invalid
BUErrorCodeAdSlotIDError = 40006, // the ad slot ID is invalid
BUErrorCodeAdCountError = 40007, // request the wrong number of ads
BUUnionAdImageSizeError = 40008, // wrong image size
BUUnionAdSiteIdError = 40009, // Media ID is illegal
BUUnionAdSiteMeiaTypeError = 40010, // Media type is illegal
BUUnionAdSiteAdTypeError = 40011, // Ad type is illegal
BUUnionAdSiteAccessMethodError = 40012,// Media access type is illegal and has been deprecated
BUUnionSplashAdTypeError = 40013, // Code bit id is less than 900 million, but adType is not splash ad
BUUnionRedirectError = 40014, // The redirect parameter is incorrect
BUUnionRequestInvalidError = 40015, // Media rectification exceeds deadline, request illegal
BUUnionAppSiteRelError = 40016, // The relationship between slot_id and app_id is invalid.
BUUnionAccessMethodError = 40017, // Media access type is not legal API/SDK
BUUnionPackageNameError = 40018, // Media package name is inconsistent with entry
BUUnionConfigurationError = 40019, // Media configuration ad type is inconsistent with request
BUUnionRequestLimitError = 40020, // The ad space registered by developers exceeds daily request limit
BUUnionSignatureError = 40021, // Apk signature sha1 value is inconsistent with media platform entry
BUUnionIncompleteError = 40022, // Whether the media request material is inconsistent with the media platform entry
BUUnionOSError = 40023, // The OS field is incorrectly filled
BUUnionLowVersion = 40024, // The SDK version is too low to return ads
BUErrorCodeAdPackageIncomplete = 40025,// the SDK package is incomplete. It is recommended to verify the integrity of SDK package or contact technical support.
BUUnionMedialCheckError = 40026, // Non-international account request for overseas delivery system
BUErrorCodeSysError = 50001 // ad server error
// BUAdSDKManager.h
// Copyright © 2017 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "BUAdSDKDefines.h"
@interface BUAdSDKManager : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, class) NSString *SDKVersion;
Register the App key that’s already been applied before requesting an ad from TikTok Audience Network.
@param appID : the unique identifier of the App
+ (void)setAppID:(NSString *)appID;
Configure development mode.
@param level : default BUAdSDKLogLevelNone
+ (void)setLoglevel:(BUAdSDKLogLevel)level;
/// Set the gender of the user.
+ (void)setUserGender:(BUUserGender)userGender;
/// Set the age of the user.
+ (void)setUserAge:(NSUInteger)userAge;
/* Set the COPPA of the user, COPPA is the short of Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, the interface only works in the United States.
* @params Coppa 0 adult, 1 child
+ (void)setCoppa:(NSUInteger)Coppa;
/// Set the user's keywords, such as interests and hobbies, etc.
+ (void)setUserKeywords:(NSString *)keywords;
/// set additional user information.
+ (void)setUserExtData:(NSString *)data;
/// Set whether the app is a paid app, the default is a non-paid app
+ (void)setIsPaidApp:(BOOL)isPaidApp;
+ (NSString *)appID;
+ (BOOL)isPaidApp;
// BUAdSDKPlayableToolManager.h
// Copyright © 2019 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BUAdSDKPlayableToolManager : NSObject
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;
+ (void)setPlayableURL:(NSString *)url;
+ (void)setDownloadUrl:(NSString *)url;
+ (void)setDeeplinkUrl:(NSString *)url;
+ (void)setIsLandScape:(BOOL)isLandScape;
+ (void)clearAll;
// BUAdSlot.h
// Copyright © 2017 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "BUSize.h"
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BUAdSlotAdType) {
BUAdSlotAdTypeUnknown = 0,
BUAdSlotAdTypeBanner = 1, // banner ads
BUAdSlotAdTypeInterstitial = 2, // interstitial ads
BUAdSlotAdTypeSplash = 3, // splash ads
BUAdSlotAdTypeSplash_Cache = 4, // cache splash ads
BUAdSlotAdTypeFeed = 5, // feed ads
BUAdSlotAdTypePaster = 6, // paster ads
BUAdSlotAdTypeRewardVideo = 7, // rewarded video ads
BUAdSlotAdTypeFullscreenVideo = 8, // full-screen video ads
BUAdSlotAdTypeDrawVideo = 9, // vertical (immersive) video ads
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BUAdSlotPosition) {
BUAdSlotPositionTop = 1,
BUAdSlotPositionBottom = 2,
BUAdSlotPositionFeed = 3,
BUAdSlotPositionMiddle = 4, // for interstitial ad only
BUAdSlotPositionFullscreen = 5,
@interface BUAdSlot : NSObject
/// required. The unique identifier of a native ad.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *ID;
/// required. Ad type.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BUAdSlotAdType AdType;
/// required. Ad display location.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BUAdSlotPosition position;
/// Accept a set of image sizes, please pass in the BUSize object.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray<BUSize *> *imgSizeArray;
/// required. Image size.
@property (nonatomic, strong) BUSize *imgSize;
/// Icon size.
@property (nonatomic, strong) BUSize *iconSize;
/// Maximum length of the title.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger titleLengthLimit;
/// Maximum length of description.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger descLengthLimit;
/// Whether to support deeplink.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isSupportDeepLink;
/// Native banner ads and native interstitial ads are set to 1, other ad types are 0, the default is 0.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isOriginAd;
- (NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue;
// BUBannerAdView.h
// Copyright © 2017年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUNativeAd.h"
@class BUDislikeWords, BUAdSlot;
@protocol BUBannerAdViewDelegate;
@interface BUBannerAdView : UIView
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUBannerAdViewDelegate> delegate;
The carousel interval, in seconds, is set in the range of 30~120s, and is passed during initialization. If it does not meet the requirements, it will not be in carousel ad.
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger interval;
The dislikeButton has been added to the upper right corner of the BannerView by default, it will respond to dislike reasons.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) UIButton *dislikeButton;
- (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)slotID
rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController
- (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)slotID
rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID
size:(BUSize *)adSize
rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID
size:(BUSize *)adSize
rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController
- (void)loadAdData;
- (IBAction)dislikeAction:(id)sender;
@protocol BUBannerAdViewDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when bannerAdView ad slot loaded successfully.
@param bannerAdView : view for bannerAdView
@param nativeAd : nativeAd for bannerAdView
- (void)bannerAdViewDidLoad:(BUBannerAdView *)bannerAdView WithAdmodel:(BUNativeAd *_Nullable)nativeAd;
This method is called when bannerAdView ad slot failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)bannerAdView:(BUBannerAdView *)bannerAdView didLoadFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when bannerAdView ad slot showed new ad.
- (void)bannerAdViewDidBecomVisible:(BUBannerAdView *)bannerAdView WithAdmodel:(BUNativeAd *_Nullable)nativeAd;
This method is called when bannerAdView is clicked.
- (void)bannerAdViewDidClick:(BUBannerAdView *)bannerAdView WithAdmodel:(BUNativeAd *_Nullable)nativeAd;
This method is called when the user clicked dislike button and chose dislike reasons.
@param filterwords : the array of reasons for dislike.
- (void)bannerAdView:(BUBannerAdView *)bannerAdView dislikeWithReason:(NSArray<BUDislikeWords *> *_Nullable)filterwords;
This method is called when another controller has been closed.
@param interactionType : open appstore in app or open the webpage or view video ad details page.
- (void)bannerAdViewDidCloseOtherController:(BUBannerAdView *)bannerAdView interactionType:(BUInteractionType)interactionType;
// BUDislike.h
// Copyright © 2018年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class BUNativeAd;
@class BUDislikeWords;
!!! important :
Please report to the sdk the user’s selection, inaccurate model will result in poor ad performance.
@interface BUDislike : NSObject
The array of BUDislikeWords which have reasons for dislike.
The application can show the secondary page for dislike if '[filterWords.options count] > 0'.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSArray<BUDislikeWords *> *filterWords;
Initialize with nativeAd to get filterWords.
return BUDislike
- (instancetype)initWithNativeAd:(BUNativeAd *)nativeAd;
Call this method after the user chose dislike reasons.
(Only for object which uses 'BUDislike.filterWords')
@param filterWord : reasons for dislike
@note : don't need to call this method if '[filterWords.options count] > 0'.
@note :please dont't change 'BUDislike.filterWords'.
'filterWord' must be one of 'BUDislike.filterWords', otherwise it will be filtered.
- (void)didSelectedFilterWordWithReason:(BUDislikeWords *)filterWord;
// BUDislikeWords.h
// Copyright © 2017年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BUDislikeWords : NSObject <NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *dislikeID;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL isSelected;
@property (nonatomic, copy,readonly) NSArray<BUDislikeWords *> *options;
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict error:(NSError **)error;
// BUFullscreenVideoAd.h
// Copyright © 2018年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUAdSlot.h"
@class BUFullscreenVideoAd;
@protocol BUFullscreenVideoAdDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when video ad material loaded successfully.
- (void)fullscreenVideoMaterialMetaAdDidLoad:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad materia failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)fullscreenVideoAd:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when video cached successfully.
- (void)fullscreenVideoAdVideoDataDidLoad:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad slot will be showing.
- (void)fullscreenVideoAdWillVisible:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad slot has been shown.
- (void)fullscreenVideoAdDidVisible:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is clicked.
- (void)fullscreenVideoAdDidClick:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is about to close.
- (void)fullscreenVideoAdWillClose:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is closed.
- (void)fullscreenVideoAdDidClose:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad play completed or an error occurred.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)fullscreenVideoAdDidPlayFinish:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when the user clicked skip button.
- (void)fullscreenVideoAdDidClickSkip:(BUFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
@interface BUFullscreenVideoAd : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUFullscreenVideoAdDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, getter=isAdValid, readonly) BOOL adValid;
Initializes video ad with slot id.
@param slotID : the unique identifier of video ad.
@return BUFullscreenVideoAd
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID;
Load video ad datas.
- (void)loadAdData;
Display video ad.
@param rootViewController : root view controller for displaying ad.
@return : whether it is successfully displayed.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
Display video ad.
@param rootViewController : root view controller for displaying ad.
@param sceneDescirbe : optional. Identifies a custom description of the presentation scenario.
@return : whether it is successfully displayed.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController ritSceneDescribe:(NSString *_Nullable)sceneDescirbe;
// BUImage.h
// Copyright © 2017 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BUImage : NSObject <NSCoding>
// image address URL
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *imageURL;
// image width
@property (nonatomic, assign) float width;
// image height
@property (nonatomic, assign) float height;
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dic;
- (NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue;
// BUInterstitialAd.h
// Copyright © 2017年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUAdSDKDefines.h"
#import "BUMaterialMeta.h"
@class BUSize;
@protocol BUInterstitialAdDelegate;
@interface BUInterstitialAd : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUInterstitialAdDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, getter=isAdValid, readonly) BOOL adValid;
Initializes interstitial ad.
@param slotID : The unique identifier of interstitial ad.
@param expectSize : custom size, default 600px * 400px
@return BUInterstitialAd
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID size:(BUSize *)expectSize NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
Load interstitial ad datas.
- (void)loadAdData;
Display interstitial ad.
@param rootViewController : root view controller for displaying ad.
@return : whether it is successfully displayed.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
@protocol BUInterstitialAdDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when interstitial ad material loaded successfully.
- (void)interstitialAdDidLoad:(BUInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when interstitial ad material failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)interstitialAd:(BUInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd didFailWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
This method is called when interstitial ad slot will be showing.
- (void)interstitialAdWillVisible:(BUInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when interstitial ad is clicked.
- (void)interstitialAdDidClick:(BUInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when interstitial ad is about to close.
- (void)interstitialAdWillClose:(BUInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when interstitial ad is closed.
- (void)interstitialAdDidClose:(BUInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when another controller has been closed.
@param interactionType : open appstore in app or open the webpage or view video ad details page.
- (void)interstitialAdDidCloseOtherController:(BUInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd interactionType:(BUInteractionType)interactionType;
// BUMaterialMeta.h
// Copyright © 2017 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "BUDislikeWords.h"
#import "BUImage.h"
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BUInteractionType) {
BUInteractionTypeCustorm = 0,
BUInteractionTypeNO_INTERACTION = 1, // pure ad display
BUInteractionTypeURL = 2, // open the webpage using a browser
BUInteractionTypePage = 3, // open the webpage within the app
BUInteractionTypeDownload = 4, // download the app
BUInteractionTypePhone = 5, // make a call
BUInteractionTypeMessage = 6, // send messages
BUInteractionTypeEmail = 7, // send email
BUInteractionTypeVideoAdDetail = 8 // video ad details page
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BUFeedADMode) {
BUFeedADModeSmallImage = 2,
BUFeedADModeLargeImage = 3,
BUFeedADModeGroupImage = 4,
BUFeedVideoAdModeImage = 5, // video ad || rewarded video ad horizontal screen
BUFeedVideoAdModePortrait = 15, // rewarded video ad vertical screen
BUFeedADModeImagePortrait = 16
@interface BUMaterialMeta : NSObject <NSCoding>
/// interaction types supported by ads.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BUInteractionType interactionType;
/// material pictures.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<BUImage *> *imageAry;
/// ad logo icon.
@property (nonatomic, strong) BUImage *icon;
/// ad headline.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *AdTitle;
/// ad description.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *AdDescription;
/// ad source.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *source;
/// text displayed on the creative button.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *buttonText;
/// display format of the in-feed ad, other ads ignores it.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BUFeedADMode imageMode;
/// Star rating, range from 1 to 5.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger score;
/// Number of comments.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger commentNum;
/// ad installation package size, unit byte.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger appSize;
// video duration
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger videoDuration;
/// media configuration parameters.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *mediaExt;
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
// BUNativeAd.h
// Copyright © 2017 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUAdSlot.h"
#import "BUMaterialMeta.h"
#import "BUVideoAdView.h"
@protocol BUNativeAdDelegate;
Abstract ad slot containing ad data loading, response callbacks.
BUNativeAd currently supports native ads.
Native ads include in-feed ad (multiple ads, image + video), general native ad (single ad, image + video), native banner ad, and native interstitial ad.
Support interstitial ad, banner ad, splash ad, rewarded video ad, full-screen video ad.
@interface BUNativeAd : NSObject
Ad slot description.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite, nullable) BUAdSlot *adslot;
Ad slot material.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) BUMaterialMeta *data;
The delegate for receiving state change messages.
The delegate is not limited to viewcontroller.
The delegate can be set to any object which conforming to <BUNativeAdDelegate>.
@property (nonatomic, weak, readwrite, nullable) id<BUNativeAdDelegate> delegate;
Root view controller for handling ad actions.
Action method includes is 'presentViewController'.
@property (nonatomic, weak, readwrite) UIViewController *rootViewController;
Initializes native ad with ad slot.
@param slot : ad slot description.
including slotID,adType,adPosition,etc.
@return BUNativeAd
- (instancetype)initWithSlot:(BUAdSlot *)slot;
Register clickable views in native ads view.
Interaction types can be configured on TikTok Audience Network.
Interaction types include view video ad details page, make a call, send email, download the app, open the webpage using a browser,open the webpage within the app, etc.
@param containerView : required.
container view of the native ad.
@param clickableViews : optional.
Array of views that are clickable.
- (void)registerContainer:(__kindof UIView *)containerView
withClickableViews:(NSArray<__kindof UIView *> *_Nullable)clickableViews;
Unregister ad view from the native ad.
- (void)unregisterView;
Actively request nativeAd datas.
- (void)loadAdData;
@protocol BUNativeAdDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when native ad material loaded successfully.
- (void)nativeAdDidLoad:(BUNativeAd *)nativeAd;
This method is called when native ad materia failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeAd:(BUNativeAd *)nativeAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when native ad slot has been shown.
- (void)nativeAdDidBecomeVisible:(BUNativeAd *)nativeAd;
This method is called when another controller has been closed.
@param interactionType : open appstore in app or open the webpage or view video ad details page.
- (void)nativeAdDidCloseOtherController:(BUNativeAd *)nativeAd interactionType:(BUInteractionType)interactionType;
This method is called when native ad is clicked.
- (void)nativeAdDidClick:(BUNativeAd *)nativeAd withView:(UIView *_Nullable)view;
This method is called when the user clicked dislike reasons.
Only used for dislikeButton in BUNativeAdRelatedView.h
@param filterWords : reasons for dislike
- (void)nativeAd:(BUNativeAd *_Nullable)nativeAd dislikeWithReason:(NSArray<BUDislikeWords *> *_Nullable)filterWords;
// BUNativeAdRelatedView.h
// Copyright © 2018年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUVideoAdView.h"
#import "BUNativeAd.h"
@interface BUNativeAdRelatedView : NSObject
Need to actively add to the view in order to deal with the feedback and improve the accuracy of ad.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UIButton *dislikeButton;
Promotion label.Need to actively add to the view.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UILabel *adLabel;
Ad logo.Need to actively add to the view.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UIImageView *logoImageView;
Ad logo + Promotion label.Need to actively add to the view.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UIImageView *logoADImageView;
Video ad view. Need to actively add to the view.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) BUVideoAdView *videoAdView;
Refresh the data every time you get new datas in order to show ad perfectly.
- (void)refreshData:(BUNativeAd *)nativeAd;
// BUNativeAdsManager.h
// Copyright © 2017 bytedance. All rights reserved.
BUNativeAdsManager : for multiple requests at the same time.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUAdSlot.h"
#import "BUMaterialMeta.h"
#import "BUNativeAd.h"
@protocol BUNativeAdsManagerDelegate;
/// Bunativeadsmanager class can request multiple ad data per time.
@interface BUNativeAdsManager : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) BUAdSlot *adslot;
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<BUNativeAd *> *data;
/// The delegate for receiving state change messages such as requests succeeding/failing.
/// The delegate can be set to any object which conforming to <BUNativeAdsManagerDelegate>.
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUNativeAdsManagerDelegate> delegate;
- (instancetype)initWithSlot:(BUAdSlot * _Nullable) slot;
It is recommended to request no more than 3 ads.
The maximum is 10.
- (void)loadAdDataWithCount:(NSInteger)count;
@protocol BUNativeAdsManagerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)nativeAdsManagerSuccessToLoad:(BUNativeAdsManager *)adsManager nativeAds:(NSArray<BUNativeAd *> *_Nullable)nativeAdDataArray;
- (void)nativeAdsManager:(BUNativeAdsManager *)adsManager didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
// BUNativeExpressAdManager.h
// Created by bytedance on 2019/1/20.
// Copyright © 2019年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUAdSlot.h"
#import "BUNativeExpressAdView.h"
#import "BUDislikeWords.h"
@class BUNativeExpressAdManager;
@protocol BUNativeExpressAdViewDelegate <NSObject>
* Sent when views successfully load ad
- (void)nativeExpressAdSuccessToLoad:(BUNativeExpressAdManager *)nativeExpressAd views:(NSArray<__kindof BUNativeExpressAdView *> *)views;
* Sent when views fail to load ad
- (void)nativeExpressAdFailToLoad:(BUNativeExpressAdManager *)nativeExpressAd error:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
* This method is called when rendering a nativeExpressAdView successed, and nativeExpressAdView.size.height has been updated
- (void)nativeExpressAdViewRenderSuccess:(BUNativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAdView;
* This method is called when a nativeExpressAdView failed to render
- (void)nativeExpressAdViewRenderFail:(BUNativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAdView error:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
* Sent when an ad view is about to present modal content
- (void)nativeExpressAdViewWillShow:(BUNativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAdView;
* Sent when an ad view is clicked
- (void)nativeExpressAdViewDidClick:(BUNativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAdView;
* Sent when a player finished
* @param error : error of player
- (void)nativeExpressAdViewPlayerDidPlayFinish:(BUNativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAdView error:(NSError *)error;
* Sent when a user clicked dislike reasons.
* @param filterWords : the array of reasons why the user dislikes the ad
- (void)nativeExpressAdView:(BUNativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAdView dislikeWithReason:(NSArray<BUDislikeWords *> *)filterWords;
* Sent after an ad view is clicked, a ad landscape view will present modal content
- (void)nativeExpressAdViewWillPresentScreen:(BUNativeExpressAdView *)nativeExpressAdView;
@interface BUNativeExpressAdManager : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) BUAdSlot *adslot;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) CGSize adSize;
The delegate for receiving state change messages from a BUNativeExpressAdManager
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUNativeExpressAdViewDelegate> delegate;
@param size expected ad view size,when size.height is zero, acture height will match size.width
- (instancetype)initWithSlot:(BUAdSlot * _Nullable)slot adSize:(CGSize)size;
The number of ads requested,The maximum is 3
- (void)loadAd:(NSInteger)count;
// BUNativeExpressAdView.h
// Created by bytedance on 2019/1/20.
// Copyright © 2019年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface BUNativeExpressAdView : UIView
* Whether render is ready
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL isReady;
Root view controller for handling ad actions.
@property (nonatomic, weak) UIViewController *rootViewController;
- (void)render;
// BUNativeExpressBannerView.h
// Created by xxx on 2019/5/17.
// Copyright © 2019 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class BUNativeExpressBannerView;
@class BUDislikeWords;
@class BUSize;
@protocol BUNativeExpressBannerViewDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when bannerAdView ad slot loaded successfully.
@param bannerAdView : view for bannerAdView
- (void)nativeExpressBannerAdViewDidLoad:(BUNativeExpressBannerView *)bannerAdView;
This method is called when bannerAdView ad slot failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpressBannerAdView:(BUNativeExpressBannerView *)bannerAdView didLoadFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when rendering a nativeExpressAdView successed.
- (void)nativeExpressBannerAdViewRenderSuccess:(BUNativeExpressBannerView *)bannerAdView;
This method is called when a nativeExpressAdView failed to render.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpressBannerAdViewRenderFail:(BUNativeExpressBannerView *)bannerAdView error:(NSError * __nullable)error;
This method is called when bannerAdView ad slot showed new ad.
- (void)nativeExpressBannerAdViewWillBecomVisible:(BUNativeExpressBannerView *)bannerAdView;
This method is called when bannerAdView is clicked.
- (void)nativeExpressBannerAdViewDidClick:(BUNativeExpressBannerView *)bannerAdView;
This method is called when the user clicked dislike button and chose dislike reasons.
@param filterwords : the array of reasons for dislike.
- (void)nativeExpressBannerAdView:(BUNativeExpressBannerView *)bannerAdView dislikeWithReason:(NSArray<BUDislikeWords *> *_Nullable)filterwords;
@interface BUNativeExpressBannerView : UIView
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUNativeExpressBannerViewDelegate> delegate;
The carousel interval, in seconds, is set in the range of 30~120s, and is passed during initialization. If it does not meet the requirements, it will not be in carousel ad.
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger interval;
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID
rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController
imgSize:(BUSize * __nullable )expectSize
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID
rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController
imgSize:(BUSize * __nullable )expectSize
- (void)loadAdData;
// BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd.h
// Copyright © 2019 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd;
@protocol BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when video ad material loaded successfully.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidLoad:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad materia failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when rendering a nativeExpressAdView successed.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdViewRenderSuccess:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when a nativeExpressAdView failed to render.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdViewRenderFail:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd error:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when video cached successfully.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidDownLoadVideo:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad slot will be showing.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdWillVisible:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad slot has been shown.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidVisible:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is clicked.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidClick:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when the user clicked skip button.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidClickSkip:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is about to close.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdWillClose:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is closed.
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidClose:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad play completed or an error occurred.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDidPlayFinish:(BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd *)fullscreenVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
@interface BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAd : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUNativeExpressFullscreenVideoAdDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, getter=isAdValid, readonly) BOOL adValid;
Initializes video ad with slot id.
@param slotID : the unique identifier of video ad.
@return BUFullscreenVideoAd
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID;
Load video ad datas.
- (void)loadAdData;
Display video ad.
@param rootViewController : root view controller for displaying ad.
@return : whether it is successfully displayed.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
Display video ad.
@param rootViewController : root view controller for displaying ad.
@param sceneDescirbe : optional. Identifies a custom description of the presentation scenario.
@return : whether it is successfully displayed.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController ritSceneDescribe:(NSString *_Nullable)sceneDescirbe;
// BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd.h
// Created by xxx on 2019/5/16.
// Copyright © 2019 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class BUSize;
@class BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd;
@protocol BUNativeExpresInterstitialAdDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when interstitial ad material loaded successfully.
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdDidLoad:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when interstitial ad material failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAd:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd didFailWithError:(NSError * __nullable)error;
This method is called when rendering a nativeExpressAdView successed.
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdRenderSuccess:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when a nativeExpressAdView failed to render.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdRenderFail:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd error:(NSError * __nullable)error;
This method is called when interstitial ad slot will be showing.
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdWillVisible:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when interstitial ad is clicked.
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdDidClick:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when interstitial ad is about to close.
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdWillClose:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
This method is called when interstitial ad is closed.
- (void)nativeExpresInterstitialAdDidClose:(BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd *)interstitialAd;
@interface BUNativeExpressInterstitialAd : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUNativeExpresInterstitialAdDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, getter=isAdValid, readonly) BOOL adValid;
Initializes interstitial ad.
@param slotID : The unique identifier of interstitial ad.
@param expectSize : custom size of image, default 600px * 400px.
@param adsize : custom size of ad view.
@return BUInterstitialAd
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID imgSize:(BUSize * __nullable )expectSize adSize:(CGSize)adsize;
Load interstitial ad datas.
- (void)loadAdData;
Display interstitial ad.
@param rootViewController : root view controller for displaying ad.
@return : whether it is successfully displayed.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
// BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd.h
// Copyright © 2019 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUAdSDKDefines.h"
@class BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd;
@class BURewardedVideoModel;
@protocol BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when video ad material loaded successfully.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidLoad:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad materia failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAd:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when cached successfully.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidDownLoadVideo:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when rendering a nativeExpressAdView successed.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdViewRenderSuccess:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when a nativeExpressAdView failed to render.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdViewRenderFail:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd error:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when video ad slot will be showing.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdWillVisible:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad slot has been shown.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidVisible:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is about to close.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdWillClose:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is closed.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidClose:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is clicked.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidClick:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when the user clicked skip button.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidClickSkip:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad play completed or an error occurred.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDidPlayFinish:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
Server verification which is requested asynchronously is succeeded.
@param verify :return YES when return value is 2000.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdServerRewardDidSucceed:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd verify:(BOOL)verify;
Server verification which is requested asynchronously is failed.
Return value is not 2000.
- (void)nativeExpressRewardedVideoAdServerRewardDidFail:(BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
@interface BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAd : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) BURewardedVideoModel *rewardedVideoModel;
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BUNativeExpressRewardedVideoAdDelegate> delegate;
Whether material is effective.
Setted to YES when data is not empty and has not been displayed.
Repeated display is not billed.
@property (nonatomic, getter=isAdValid, readonly) BOOL adValid;
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID rewardedVideoModel:(BURewardedVideoModel *)model;
- (void)loadAdData;
Display video ad.
@param rootViewController : root view controller for displaying ad.
@return : whether it is successfully displayed.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
If ritSceneType is custom, you need to pass in the values for sceneDescirbe.
@param ritSceneType : optional. Identifies a custom description of the presentation scenario.
@param sceneDescirbe : optional. Identify the scene of presentation.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController ritScene:(BURitSceneType)ritSceneType ritSceneDescribe:(NSString *_Nullable)sceneDescirbe;
// BUPlayerPublicDefine.h
// Copyright © 2018年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#ifndef BUPlayerPublicDefine_h
#define BUPlayerPublicDefine_h
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BUPlayerPlayState) {
BUPlayerStateFailed = 0,
BUPlayerStateBuffering = 1,
BUPlayerStatePlaying = 2,
BUPlayerStateStopped = 3,
BUPlayerStatePause = 4,
BUPlayerStateDefalt = 5
@class BUPlayer;
@protocol BUPlayerDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when the player status changes.
- (void)player:(BUPlayer *)player stateDidChanged:(BUPlayerPlayState)playerState;
This method is called when the player is ready.
- (void)playerReadyToPlay:(BUPlayer *)player;
This method is called when the player plays completion or occurrs error.
- (void)playerDidPlayFinish:(BUPlayer *)player error:(NSError *)error;
This method is called when the player is clicked.
- (void)player:(BUPlayer *)player recognizeTapGesture:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)gesture;
This method is called when the view is clicked during ad play.
- (void)playerTouchesBegan:(BUPlayer *)player;
#endif /* BUPlayerPublicDefine_h */
// BURewardedVideoAd.h
// Copyright © 2018年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "BUAdSDKDefines.h"
@protocol BURewardedVideoAdDelegate;
@class BURewardedVideoModel;
@interface BURewardedVideoAd : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) BURewardedVideoModel *rewardedVideoModel;
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<BURewardedVideoAdDelegate> delegate;
Whether material is effective.
Setted to YES when data is not empty and has not been displayed.
Repeated display is not billed.
@property (nonatomic, getter=isAdValid, readonly) BOOL adValid;
- (instancetype)initWithSlotID:(NSString *)slotID rewardedVideoModel:(BURewardedVideoModel *)model;
- (void)loadAdData;
Display video ad.
@param rootViewController : root view controller for displaying ad.
@return : whether it is successfully displayed.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
If ritSceneType is custom, you need to pass in the values for sceneDescirbe.
@param ritSceneType : optional. Identifies a custom description of the presentation scenario.
@param sceneDescirbe : optional. Identify the scene of presentation.
- (BOOL)showAdFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController ritScene:(BURitSceneType)ritSceneType ritSceneDescribe:(NSString *_Nullable)sceneDescirbe;
@protocol BURewardedVideoAdDelegate <NSObject>
This method is called when video ad material loaded successfully.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdDidLoad:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad materia failed to load.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)rewardedVideoAd:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
This method is called when cached successfully.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdVideoDidLoad:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad slot will be showing.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdWillVisible:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad slot has been shown.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdDidVisible:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is about to close.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdWillClose:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is closed.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdDidClose:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad is clicked.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdDidClick:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when video ad play completed or an error occurred.
@param error : the reason of error
- (void)rewardedVideoAdDidPlayFinish:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
Server verification which is requested asynchronously is succeeded.
@param verify :return YES when return value is 2000.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdServerRewardDidSucceed:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd verify:(BOOL)verify;
Server verification which is requested asynchronously is failed.
Return value is not 2000.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdServerRewardDidFail:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
This method is called when the user clicked skip button.
- (void)rewardedVideoAdDidClickSkip:(BURewardedVideoAd *)rewardedVideoAd;
// BURewardedVideoModel.h
// Copyright © 2018年 bytedance. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BURewardedVideoModel : NSObject
Third-party game user_id identity.
Mainly used in the reward issuance, it is the callback pass-through parameter from server-to-server.
It is the unique identifier of each user.
In the non-server callback mode, it will also be pass-through when the video is finished playing.
Only the string can be passed in this case, not nil.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *userId;
//optional. reward name.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *rewardName;
//optional. number of rewards.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger rewardAmount;
//optional. serialized string.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *extra;
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